Hébergement VPS

De quoi s'agit-il ?

VPS stands for Virtual Private Server. This unique and powerful technology by its nature is partitioning a physical server into multiple Virtual Servers having the appearance and capacity of a real dedicated server. This is possible thanks to XEN and its XEN Hypervisor technology - a software layer that stands between the server's hardware and the OS. Each Virtual Server can run under its own Linux operating system (Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS), have custom configurations like Firewall, kernel etc of its own. We offer our VPS's with pre-defined Debian OS which we recommend to be used with our Easy VPS Control Panel (the shared hosting like Panel).

XEN vs. Virtuozzo Containers

  XEN VPS Virtuozzo Containers
CPU et RAM dédiés Oui Partagé
Isolement serveur dédié Oui Non
Configuration du Firewall Oui Non
Noyau indépendant Oui Non
Support technique 24h/24h Oui Pre-défini (pas de changement)
Plein accès racine Oui Non
Caractéristiques VPS Basique VPS Pro VPS Extra
Activation Fee is the fee you are paying for initial VPS account creation and setup. Frais d'activation $0.00$0.00 $0.00$0.00 $0.00$0.00
Price is the monthly fee for a 1 year prepaid VPS package. We do not apply a setup fee, if you decide to buy on monthly basis. Press Order to see the prices for all other periods. Prix ​​mensuel $12.97$15.43 $27.97$33.28 $47.97$57.08
Le Prix annuel correspond au service d'hébergement VPS pour 1an (12 mois). Prix ​​annuel $155.64$185.21 $335.64$399.41 $575.64$685.01
CPU shows the percentage a VPS can utilize of the physical server's CPU (Central Processor Usage). CPU dédié 50% 100% 100%
RAM shows the available guaranteed RAM (Random Access Memory) for your VPS, despite how much other VPSes on the physical machine are using. RAM dédiée 1 GB 2 GB 4 GB
RAID Protected Storage is the data storage space you get for your VPS. All of the data you have on the server i.e. pages, files and emails are using your disk space. Stockage Protégé RAID 25 GB 50 GB 100 GB
Traffic Allotment is the actual amount of data transferred between your site and your visitors i.e. each time somebody is loading a page, file or a graphic from your site, data transfer is generated. The traffic allotment is shown per month. Trafic Mensuel Alloué 2 TB 4 TB 8 TB
Bandwidth (port speed) is the speed of the port connecting your VPS to the global network. Bande passante (vitesse de port) 50 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s 100 Mbit/s
IP Address is the the private IP(Internet Protocol) your VPS is assigned. Everyone of our VPS plans comes with 1 private IP address. Adresse IP 1 1 1
Full Root Access is access to the main directory of the VPS to install or configure anything that client may needed. Accès root complet via SSH Oui Oui Oui
Easy VPS Control Panel is recommended if you are not Linux proficient. This Control Panel is similar to the one our shared hosting clients utilize, therefor is extremely easy-to-use. Administration VPS Simple Oui
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Virtualization Specifics Commande Commande Commande
The Virtual Servers we offer are powered by XEN hypervisor technology - a thin software layer inserted between the server's hardware and the operating system. Allows each physical server to run more than one "virtual server", effectively decoupling the operating system and its applications from the underlying physical server. Each Virtual Server can run under its own Linux operating system (Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS), have custom configurations like Firewall, kernel etc of its own. Plate-forme Hyperviseur XEN XEN True Virtualization Technology - Pas comme la solution bon marché Virtuozzo Containers XEN True Virtualization Technology - Pas comme la solution bon marché Virtuozzo Containers XEN True Virtualization Technology - Pas comme la solution bon marché Virtuozzo Containers
Recommended pre-installed OS is the OS(operating system) installed on the VPS we offer. The OS is Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel). Système d'exploitation recommandé pre-installé Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel) Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel) Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel)
Pre-defined Virtual OS Images are the operating systems we support on the VPS offers. VPS is offered with Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel). Upon clients request we may offer Ubuntu 20.04 with ISPConfig - 64 bit, Ubuntu 20.04 - 64 bit, Ubuntu 18.04 with ISPConfig - 64 bit, Ubuntu 18.04 - 64 bit, Ubuntu 16.04 - 64 bit, Debian 9 Stretch - 64 bit (with Control Panel), Debian 8.0 Jessie - 64 bit, Debian 10.0 Buster - 64 bit (with Control Panel), Debian 7.2 Wheezy - 64 bit (with Control Panel) v2, Debian 8 Jessie - 64 bit (with Control Panel), Debian 7.2 Wheezy - 64 bit v2, CentOS 8.0 - 64 bit, CentOS 7.3 - 64 bit, CentOS 6.0 - 64 bit operating system v2, OpenSuse 42.2 - 64 bit. Images Virtuelles OS pré-définies 15 pre-defined OS 15 pre-defined OS 15 pre-defined OS
Custom Partitioning is the capability to change VPS partitions. Pre-defined VPS is partitioned to: /swap, /boot, /home. Partitionnement personnalisé Oui Oui Oui
Change OS is the capability to pre-install your VPS's OS, even install different OS. Changer OS (UNIX type bootloader PyGRUB) Oui Oui Oui
Change Boot Partition is capabilty to change the boot location, even use dual or alternative OS to boot from. Changer la partition de démarrage Oui Oui Oui
Easy VPS Control Panel is recommended if you are not Linux proficient. This Control Panel is similar to the one our shared hosting clients utilize, therefor is extremely easy-to-use. Administration VPS Simple Oui Oui Oui
Webmin Control Panel is web based Unix system administration control panel. VPS can be purchased: 1. Debian + Webmin or CentOS (no Webmin panel available with CentOS). The other option 2. is to purchase VPS with easy to use in-house Hosting Control Panel (recommended if you are not Linux expert) Panneau de Configuration Webmin Oui Oui Oui
Mises à jou à la demande VPS Basique VPS Pro VPS Extra
Upgrade your VPS on demand with additional Bandwidth/Traffic. Instantly allocated. Bande Passante/trafic Oui Oui Oui
Upgrade your VPS plan that has additional CPU processing power. Instantly allocated. CPU % /CPU Cores Oui Oui Oui
Upgrade your VPS on demand with additional RAM. Instantly allocated. Mémoire RAM Oui Oui Oui
Upgrade your VPS on demand with additional HDD space. Instantly provisioned. Espace/Périphérique Disque Dur Oui Oui Oui
Buy additional IP addresses. Instantly provisioned. Adresses IP Oui Oui Oui
Administration Serveur Commande Commande Commande
Advanced Control Panel where you can see and manage most of your VPS details: view VPS info, Reboot, Manage Rescue OS, Bandwidth Usage, Server Graphic Stats and more. C-Panel Avancé Oui Oui Oui
Easy VPS Control Panel is recommended if you are not Linux proficient. This Control Panel is similar to the one our shared hosting clients utilize, therefor is extremely easy-to-use. Administration VPS Simple Oui
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Outils de gestion d'Hébergement Web VPS & E-mails ne nécessitant pas de compétences d'Administrateur de Système
Webmin Control Panel is web based Unix system administration control panel. VPS can be purchased: 1. Debian + Webmin or CentOS (no Webmin panel available with CentOS). The other option 2. is to purchase VPS with easy to use in-house Hosting Control Panel (recommended if you are not Linux expert) Panneau de Configuration Webmin (uniquement avec Debian) Oui
Outils de gestion de VPS pour Utilisateurs Expérimentés et Administrateurs Systèmes
Outils de gestion de VPS pour Utilisateurs Expérimentés et Administrateurs Systèmes
Outils de gestion de VPS pour Utilisateurs Expérimentés et Administrateurs Systèmes
We do not manage the server in terms of system administration, i.e. install software, configure services, keep it updated, etc. Gestion des Serveurs Unmanaged Unmanaged Unmanaged
Maintenant, votre présence en ligne aider la réduction des émissions de dioxyde de carbone . Nous sommes fiers de prononcer que le système de nos serveurs en cluster est un consommateur éco- conscient et utiliser 100 % d'énergie d'origine éolienne .Notre fournisseur d'énergie du centre de données est certifié comme approvisionneur de l'électricité offre «Green Web Hosting Solutions » pour toute la Quebec et le monde neutre en CO2 .
Achats vert Web Hosting avec nous par rapport aux autres sociétés d'hébergement en utilisant l'électricité produite par des sources d'énergie non - réparatrice est égal à l'économie de toute une forêt ...

Tous les prix incluent la TVA.
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